Emergency Funding

Of paramount focus for REACH is the support of trafficking victims, survivors, and thrivers, as well as their direct service providers.

Donations we receive, as well as much of our additional funding as possible from our limited budget, is dedicated to these efforts. Emergency funding is available to provide aid when no other community funding can assist.

If you are working with someone exiting the life and need financial assistance for them, please consider applying for emergency funding.

Emergency Assistance Fund Policy

Revised: 12/23

Norther Ohio Regional Efforts Aimed to Combat Human Trafficking (REACH) seeks to support the wellbeing of survivors of human trafficking in Lucas, Wood, Seneca, Sandusky, and Ottawa counties. REACH will provide resources to survivors for emergency needs based on the criteria presented below. All other avenues of community assistance must be exhausted before applying for this emergency assistance funding. Survivor requests will be considered on a first come-first served basis and once the emergency funds are depleted, no other requests can occur in that calendar year.

Allowable Expenses

Requests for emergency assistance can be submitted for approval if funding is available
and if the need cannot be met by another community agency or funding source.
Allowable expenses include any of the following, or other needs at the discretion of the
REACH Executive Committee:

If you are working with someone exiting the life and need financial assistance for them, please consider applying for emergency funding.

  • Housing-related needs
  • Utilities, Rent, Security deposit. Phone bills
  • Transportation
  • Car repairs, Gas cards, Bus ticket
  • Assistance for survivor’s children
    (e.g., school clothes, school
  • Legal fees related to trafficking or abuse situations
  • Medical expenses or co-pays
  • Others not listed may be

Request Form and Approval Process

Requests will require approval by both REACH Co-Chairs and one other Executive Committee Member. In the event that the request is from one of the Co-Chairs, the other Co-Chair and two Executive Committee members will vote on the request Direct service providers and the survivor will fill out a request form and send the form, as well as documentation of the emergency need, to one of the REACH Co-Chairs. All requests need to be submitted via a direct service provider to ensure that the survivor is receiving supportive services. Acceptable documentation could include utility bill, phone bill, a lease, invoices for legal fees, or other documentation to show funding need.

Applications and documentation can be sent to one of the REACH Co-Chairs.

Dissemination of Funds and Documentation

After approval, funds will be disseminated by the REACH Treasurer directly to the vendor listed in the documentation provided. All receipts will be kept as documentation. If payment cannot be made directly to the vendor, gift cards may be given to the survivor and a signed receipt or written acknowledgement of receipt will be obtained. Contact information for all parties will be kept on file with the REACH Treasurer.

Norther Ohio Regional Efforts Aimed to Combat Human Trafficking (REACH) will provide resources to survivors for emergency needs based on the criteria presented below. This fund is available during the calendar year and will be used on a first come-first served basis. All other available resources should be used to cover these needs before accessing these emergency funds.

Have questions before applying? Please complete the form below.

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